Your path to healing begins here.


Melbourne, Australia


Have you always had a powerful desire to be truly authentic and to live life on your own terms but feel stuck and don’t know how?

You’re not alone.


 Many of my clients struggle with…

  • People-pleasing.

  • Constantly doing things for others and saying yes when they want to say no.

  • Feeling overwhelmed by the smallest things.

  • Chronic pain of some kind, often a niggling pain that just won’t go away.

  • Feeling stuck in relationships with people who leave them feeling drained.

  • Feeling emotionally fragile, taking everything personally and crying at the littlest things.

  • Feeling exhausted and like they’re running on empty.

  • An overactive mind that never switches off.

  • Looking successful on the outside but feeling empty and unfulfilled.

  • On/off relationships, with lots of drama and instability.


Imagine if you could...

  • Learn to put yourself first without feeling guilty.

  • Lift the fog in your mind, and regain clarity, direction and control of your life.

  • Silence your mind and give yourself a sense of inner peace and calm.

  • Improve your relationships with friends and family, and truly enjoy spending time with them.

  • Feel confident and empowered to handle whatever life throws at you.


Hi, I’m Kelly Allison, and I use a unique blend of Kinesiolog

y, Medical Intuition & Holistic Counselling principles to

help women just like you learn how to embrace their true, authentic selves and lead lighter, brighter & happier lives.

What is Kinesiology, and is it right for you?

There are so many reasons why we pretend we’re okay when we’re clearly not, sometimes it’s simply the easiest option, especially if you were raised to “be strong” and push your feelings down. 

Sometimes, we swallow our words because we are terrified of what might actually say if we are truly honest.  Every time you experience emotional stress, pain or trauma (no matter how big or small) and bury it down inside of you it negatively impacts our health, wellbeing and vibration.

This is because every single experience in your life, whether good or bad, is stored in your subconscious mind and in your physical body as what we call “ cellular memory”.

So you can push these feelings down over and over again but they never truly go away. And every time they creep back up they are bigger and stronger. If you do this enough it can leave you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, angry or physically ill.

When the stress, trauma and hurt of an adverse experience is left unbalanced, our energy flow becomes blocked and every aspect of your being is affected.

Kinesiology is a non-invasive, safe and holistic energy healing modality, based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, blended with the art of muscle testing to help you access and release trapped emotions in your subconscious mind and body.

This is the most powerful feature of Kinesiology - your body does all the talking. It cuts through the noise of busy minds and lets your body tell you what it needs. It leads you straight to the emotional root cause of your issues, unique to other healing modalities, it also gives us tools and techniques to balance your mind+body+spirit and activate your body’s innate ability to heal itself.

If this resonates with you, Kinesiology+ might be exactly what you’re looking for - especially if you’ve tried all the “traditional” healing modalities but nothing seems to work, and you’re starting to believe you’ll never be able to change.

I’m here to help you.


Here’s how you can work with me.

Kelly offers in clinic Kinesiology+ appointments for new and existing clients

Standard Consultation 1 Hour

New Client Consultation 1.5 Hours



Kind Words


What happens during a Kinesiology+ session?


Your first session will involve the collection of a detailed personal and medical history, so I can understand where you’re at and determine how best I can help you.

We’ll have an in-depth discussion about what you are hoping to achieve from the session and from working me in general.

I’ll use my unique blend of Kinesiology+ techniques and energy healing tools to connect with your body and release your energetic blocks, and you’ll walk away from each session feeling lighter, calmer and clear-headed.

As we continue to work together and heal these wounded parts of you, you will start to notice significant changes in all aspects of your life.

You’ll be able to access your inner confidence + strength to deal with stressful situations, have more energy, feel more in control of your emotions, and more importantly - learn to love your life again.


Other Frequently Asked Questions


What is your cancellation policy?

I ask for a minimum of 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule your session to allow for that session to being filled, failure to do so may result in you being charged for the full cost of the session.

Where are you located?

My beautiful healing room is located within The Holistic Hub Wellness Centre, 278 Richardson St, Middle Park.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for my Kinesiology Session?

Nope. Some people come with a list of things they want to work on and discuss but most clients come in with an open mind, ready and willing to work on whatever comes up as the priority issue for them.

What is Medical Intuition?  

Medical Intuition is simply the application of intuitive gifts to gain insight into the emotional and energetic causes of illness or disease in the body. There are many different types of intuition all of which are expressed differently by different people, for me, I feel things in my body that reflect the energetic blockages in yours. For example, we could be sitting and talking at the start of a session and if you are anxious, I will physically feel your anxiety in my body.

Sometimes it is a sensation, sometimes it is pain, or it could just be an awareness of a certain part of the body. This additional information provides me with a deeper level of understanding of your body and how it is holding on to stress, pain or trauma.

How many sessions will I need?

It’s natural to question how many times you need to work with someone before you see changes, especially when you’re trying something new. Each person's healing journey is different, therefore the number of sessions required will be unique to your needs. The good news is that you will leave every session feeling lighter, calmer and more connected to yourself.


“The future is to heal the mind. Recognising that the mind is all powerful – it controls every cell to every degree of its genetic expression.”

— Bruce Lipton —

Your path to healing begins here.

I would love to help you step out of the old story and create an amazing new life for you to reclaim your power and potential.