Do your thoughts really affect your health?

What would you say if I told you that the way you think can affect your physical health?   That your thoughts, whether positive or negative,  have a tangible effect on your body and your overall health and wellbeing. 

It’s quite a radical concept for some people.  But for parts of the medical fraternity, it is becoming a school of thought that is increasingly difficult to ignore.   Dr Bruce Lipton was the first to prove that our genes and DNA do not actually control our biology.   Our biology, is in fact controlled by signals from outside of the cell, including energetic messaging from our thoughts.   

This revolutionary change in thinking and understanding has spawned a new field of medicine and healing modalities where the function of the brain is at the forefront.   We call this Mind Body Medicine  and it has an emphasis on the way the brain performs from a physiological point of view  because of the thoughts it manufactures as “mind”.   This differs greatly from traditional Medicine which focuses on the brain as an organ. 

The mind is what the brain does.  Our mind is the brain in action and without life, our brain is just another organ like the liver or kidney.   Our mind is what responds to our inherited genetics, our daily experiences and ever changing environment.  It is now understood that this combination of nature, nurture, environment and genetics is what makes us who we are as individuals. 

Dr Joe Dispenza is a leader in this field and he believes that  changing our mind is about literally rolling up and changing a whole set of automatic thoughts and actions and relearning a whole aspect of ourselves.  

In other words,  the more we understand the connection between thought (the thinking we chose to entertain including past, present and future perceptions) the brain (the organ that translates the perceptions of the mind into chemical, electrical and hormonal responses within the body) and physical health (overall health and wellbeing, disease, illness and healing) the more we can take control of and create the awareness and understanding needed to assist our body’s innate ability to heal itself and enjoy maximum health and emotional wellbeing. 

We now know that the mind is the brain when it is switched on.  It is the thing that the brain does. When  we replay the same thoughts, feelings and beliefs consistently, we produce the same outcomes or the same mind consistently.   So, what to do ?   The brain cannot change itself remember;  it is simply an organ of the body and is nothing without life.  And the mind can’t either because it is a product of the brain .    So, what is actually going to change the brain and the mind and as a result your physical health?   The answer is consciousness.

There are so many ways to break down and dissect consciousness and we will all no doubt has a slightly different take on it, all of which will be true to some degree.   Essentially, it is our soul, our spirit, the essence of who we are.   It is the ethereal, intangible  aspect of us that cannot be touched or seen and because of this, for some, it can be a difficult concept to grasp and to scientifically prove.    

However, modern science is finally catching up on what traditional, indigenous, and Eastern medical traditions have known for centuries; that we are more than just a physical body.  That Consciousness uses the brain and the body to produce many different levels of mind and it is only when we are truly conscious and aware that we can make measurable changes in who we are and how we control our lives. 

Knowing that we are all born with the innate ability to change our lives by harnessing the power of our consciousness is incredibly exciting to me.    If it is true that we can be limited by our thoughts and beliefs, it must also be true that we can be liberated by them.   

Are you ready to let go of the beliefs and thoughts that are holding you back?

I can help you release the conscious and subconscious belief systems that keep you stuck and stop you from achieving your greatest potential in life.    


That Gut Feeling