Kelly Allison


Many of us are craving the ability to be fully authentic, to be real, to be seen and loved for who we truly are.

I know what it’s like to feel frustrated with your life, to know that something needs to change but to feel powerless to do so. I know how frustrating it feels to search for answers and never find them.

I know what it feels like to lack control over your physical, emotional and mental health.

I know how stressful the pressure of a 24/7 lifestyle is, where you have no “off” switch and can never seem to catch your breath.

I know what it feels like to always have to be the “strong” one who carries the load.

I know what it feels like when you are running on empty and are still expected to give more, do more and be more for the people in your life.

I know what it feels like, because I’ve been in your shoes too.

Change is possible.

My personal healing journey over the last 25 years has taught me that true strength is not physical. Our true strength and power lies deep within and connecting to it begins when you start to understand who you really are, when you rise above other people’s perceptions of you and stop letting someone else tell you who you should be.

I have been seeing Kinesiologists and energy healers for almost half my life and it was in this world of “subtle energy” that I finally started to understand myself. Kinesiology gave me the language for the things about myself that didn’t always make sense to me. It allowed me to process all the thoughts and feelings that I didn’t understand or acknowledge, the things about me that I had always perceived as wrong. It gave me permission to stop trying so hard to fit in and show the world who I really am - and who I really am is emotional, sensitive and empathic.

My life finally made sense.

Being emotional or sensitive is a hugely underrated quality.   It is all too often associated with fragility and weakness when it is actually a tremendous strength.   As soon as I accepted that part of me, that I once considered my greatest weakness, everything in my life changed.   

The more I immersed myself in this world of energy healing, the more out of step I felt with the life I was living.  It was the obvious next step for me to train as a Kinesiologist and it was, without doubt, one of the best decisions I have ever made.   Fast forward to today and it is really hard to connect back to the person that I once was.

My healing journey is what inspires me to help my clients - I understand you because I’ve been in your shoes, and I know that change is possible.

My mission now is to guide you on your journey back to your true self.  To support you to connect back to your unique core essence, to allow you see past the hurt and pain and access the wisdom, strength and flow of the universe that lies within us all. Just like I did.


Kind Words

Here’s what my clients have to say…

“Loving ourselves through the process of owning our story is the bravest thing we will ever do.”



Kelly is standing at the head of a treatment table, her female client is laying on a table face up. Kelly's hands are on her clients head and hair, and Kelly's eyes are closed as she concentrates.


My Unique Approach to healing the mind, body and Spirit.

I offer an integrated approach to healing, blending practical research based techniques with holistic energetic principles. Engaging the mind, body and spirit I use my innate ability to connect deeply with my clients, to see past the obvious and apparent to facilitate long term positive change.  

I will be truthful and honest and reflect back to you things you’ve lost sight of in yourself, and I will always do it with compassion and empathy. I work with you to connect back to your unique core essence, to see past the hurt and pain and access the wisdom, strength and flow of the universe that lies within us all.


Together we can

+ identify the true source of your emotional, mental and physical pain.

 + learn to let go of your pain, and embrace your true self. 

 + achieve deep healing and long-term change.

 + release subconcious beliefs that are keeping you stuck.

 + lower your stress levels and improve your quality of sleep.

 +  re-align your body+mind+spirit.

Connect with me on Instagram



Diploma of Kinesiology

Millennium Education - Medical Intuition Mod I-IV

Certificate in Holistic Counselling, Meditation

Diploma in Meditation Therapy and Holistic Counselling

Postgraduate Certificate in Autonomic Nervous System Realignment Therapy

Postgraduate Certificate in Brain-Body Medicine

Have you woken up to the realisation that there must be more than this? Something more, something different? 

Sustainable change and healing requires you to be vulnerable and brave, but you don’t have to do it alone.

Let me support and guide you on your journey back to yourself.