The Heart Brain


Did you know that there is a wisdom of the head and a wisdom of the heart?  Often the pain we feel in day to day life is because we are disconnected from the special kind of wisdom that can only be found in our hearts.   So many people are walking around “thinking” their feelings, intellectualising the things we should be feeling with our hearts. 

When we switch off to the “bad” feelings we also switch off to the “good” feelings.  The “good” feelings are the ones that we need to fill us up and replenish our reserves to help us deal with the more challenging emotions that we all inevitably encounter.

Connecting to the wisdom of our hearts is the gate way to your true passion and purpose and a deep knowing that can only be found there.     The heart is so much more than a muscular organ that just pumps blood through the body.  We can now prove what has been known by our ancestors and indigenous cultures for tens of thousands of years; that our hearts hold lifetimes of wisdom and has its own source of intelligence.  

In recent years, neuroscientists have found that the heart has its own independent nervous system, known as the Heart Brain, which is connected to and talks to the brain.  It is now understood that the heart its own source of intelligence and that the physical heart is an information processing centre within the body, sending important signals to the brain and the rest of the body.    It produces its own powerful electromagnetic field that surrounds the body 360 degrees, extending beyond the skin and is measurable up to 3 feet outside of our bodies, it is also imprinted by our emotions.

The heart is responsible for some of our deepest emotions and for our wisdom and intuition.  This newfound understanding and ability to tap into the brain of this astonishing organ, which has more influence over the conscious brain than the conscious brain has over it, is the gateway to profound healing. 

Deep soul work requires you to keep your heart open.  Work with me to tap into the wisdom, strength and flow of the universe that lies within your beautiful heart.


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