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Kinesiology Guest User Kinesiology Guest User

What the “bleep” is the Amygdala?

Have you ever experienced that terrible feeling of being frozen in the moment, unable to move?  You know the one where your muscles go tight, your eyes are wide open , your heart rate rises and breathing becomes more rapid?  Or your suddenly feel an overwhelming need to hot foot it out of where you are even if you don’t know where you are going to? 

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Elle Ward Elle Ward

The Heart Brain

Often the pain we feel in day to day life is because we are disconnected from the wisdom of our heart. We walk around “thinking” our feelings, instead of feeling them - the problem is that when you switch off from feeling the bad things you also stop feeling the good things.

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Elle Ward Elle Ward

That Gut Feeling

I live on instinct and trust my gut 99% of the time.  I say if it feels right but doesn’t necessarily make logical sense, then I know I’m on the right track.   Clients constantly ask me how to better tap into their intuition or gut instinct.    Well, the answer is: the more you connect to your gut feeling, the more you connect to your gut feeling!   With the key word being “feeling”.  

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Elle Ward Elle Ward

Do your thoughts really affect your health?

What would you say if I told you that the way you think can affect your physical health?  That your thoughts, whether positive or negative,  have a tangible effect on your body and your overall health and wellbeing…

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